While The Sopranos is widely beloved the world over, Tony Soprano remains a very problematic character. The show helped revolutionize television - not just through the way it told its story, but through the way it depicted its characters. Very few TV characters at the time were as problematic and unlikable as Tony Soprano. He killed people, he was openly racist, and he basically sunk the lives of everyone he came into contact with. He was a black hole of hatred.

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Many of his actions probably wouldn't fly today, for whatever reason. These are ten of those actions.

10 He's Openly Racist

If there's one thing that really wouldn't fly today, it's Tony's open racism. Tony and his crew often blame black men for their problems, with one episode - Unidentified Black Males - even named after their penchant for blaming people of color.

Tony himself is also bigoted and racist, treating Meadow's mixed-race boyfriend Noah with scorn and contempt. He even told Noah to stay away from Meadow simply because he has African American blood and he didn't want his family mixing with "them." Yeah, he's pretty hateful.

9 He Kills Innocent People

james gandolifini as tony soprano strangles someone

Even today, most antihero protagonists aren't full evil. They kill people, yes, but they often kill people who "deserve" it or who impede their goals and progress.

In other words, very few TV heroes simply go out of their way to kill people. But Tony Soprano does. He kills the man in Witness Protection in College simply because he wants to, and he later sends Bobby to kill a totally innocent person for the sake of cheaper drugs.

8 Disrespecting Women

Tony disrespects women to the point of blatant misogyny and sexism. He often treats them as nothing more than erotic objects, often disregarding his wife's pleas to remain faithful and proudly holding numerous "goomahs" (women that gangsters have on the side).

He often belittles women, doesn't respect their wishes, and doesn't see them as having their own goals or objectives. He even treats Carmela with contempt, seeing her as little more than a housewife who should keep her mouth shut and accept his lifestyle without comment.

7 His Treatment Towards Melfi

In an extension of the previous entry, Tony's treatment towards Dr. Melfi is often disgusting and reprehensible.

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When he's not shutting her out and openly disrespecting her profession, he's openly hitting on her, slamming her furniture around in a fit of rage, screaming two inches in front of her face, or disrespecting her. It's no surprise that Melfi eventually drops Tony as a client.

6 He Hates His Family & Physically Abuses His Son

It's tough to watch a man who is so hostile and openly full of hate, yet Tony is certainly that. Aside from maybe Meadow, who remains Tony's pride and joy throughout, Tony has nothing but contempt for his family. He doesn't seem to love Carmela very much, and he certainly doesn't respect her. He also openly hates his own son, even admitting as much to Melfi.

He also treats A.J. in a vile manner, often slapping him around and throwing him up against walls. It's not exactly the kind of parenting people condone today.

5 Not Respecting Chris's Sobriety

Alcoholism has always been considered a disease, but it's been taken more seriously in recent years than it has in the past. Even as recently as the '90s, someone going sober and dropping alcohol could have been something to joke about - just as Tony's crew does with Chris.

Tony never respected Chris's sobriety, often openly joking about it to his face and even offering him wine at dinner. It's no surprise that Chris eventually fell off the wagon when this is who he's surrounded by.

4 Not Taking Depression Seriously

Depression is another issue that is being taken far more seriously today than it has been in the past. Even Tony Soprano (and others from his generation) treat something like depression as something you can just "snap out of."

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Tony doesn't really believe that he's depressed, despite constant evidence of the contrary. When Melfi brings it up, he shuts her back down. And when AJ begins to show signs, he simply tries talking him out of it - and when that doesn't work, he treats AJ with contempt and frustration.

3 The Language He Uses

To prove just how out of touch and dated Tony Soprano is, one must look at the language he often uses. Throughout the series, Tony uses many un-PC terms to refer to various people.

The language he uses to describe minority groups is derogatory, so much so that Carmela eventually calls him out on it.

2 He Shuts Himself Off

Traditionally "masculine" traits are slowly being eroded away, as men are being encouraged to open up and be more "emotional." As such, it's weird to watch Tony stick so fiercely to his traditional ways. He openly scorns psychiatry and therapy, and even after seven years in therapy, he showed no signs of improving on himself.

He's stuck in his ways, even if that means closing himself off from everyone and bringing everyone down to his level.

1 Gambling

Back in the day, gambling may have been considered "cool." The characters of The Sopranos certainly think so, as they partake in gambling as a major form of money-making.

But the show also goes out of its way to present Tony as a gambling addict. He borrows money for gambling and ruins lifelong friendships in the process, and he even tries using Carm's profits from house selling to bet on sports.

NEXT: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Cast Of The Sopranos