Asking if someone's a fan of Harry Potter would be rhetorical question because there's no way that people aren't. The series written by J.K. Rowling is incredibly popular — and that's an understatement if there ever was one. Chances are, we all grew up reading the books and shared them with friends, making sure everyone in our life knew that these were the greatest novels ever. No one could ever argue with that remark.

While it's sad that the series is officially over, and that there aren't any more movies coming out, we at least still have Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. But, of course, it's just not quite the same.

There are tons of Harry Potter memes out there to keep the series living on in meme form. These days, we can get our Harry Potter fix through these epic and magical memes, even though more people probably reread the books and rewatched all the movies to get their fix. Check out 15 Harry Potter memes that anyone, even haters, will laugh at.

15 Whoa

Talk about seeing into the future. This is a hilariously wonderful Harry Potter meme since, of course, every true fan knows that this is exactly what happened. Plus, this is the perfect film shot for the meme since Ron and Harry look so young and adorable. They're completely innocent. It's enough to make any true fan super nostalgic... but, well, that wouldn't take much.

Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter are definitely cute together and make a sweet couple, and it's safe to say that most fans probably didn't really see that pairing coming from the beginning of the story. Maybe people thought that Harry and Hermione would end up together, although of course, it's perfect that she and Ron fell in love. This meme is so great since whoever made it picked the best film shot possible.

14 Not A Real Fan

There are definitely two types of people in the world: those who read the Harry Potter book series and those who only watched the movies. This meme gets to the heart of a super important issue that true fans have been dealing with since forever: that some people only watch the movies and refuse to read the books.


Of course, it's totally horrible for fans to think about it, but there is a major difference. Book readers might not outwardly judge movie-watchers, but they're doing it on the inside. It's much better to act like everyone has read and adored the books. The real fans among us know that the only way to be a true Harry Potter fan is to read the books and then see the movies. There's no other way to do it, and that's just a fact.

13 So Funny

If you're a fan and don't laugh at this meme, are you even a fan? No, really, are you? Because this is absolutely hilarious and true.

'Severus' and 'serious' are basically the same word and it's such a specific joke that only real fans are going to understand it deeply. Our partners, friends, or family members who aren't as into the series as we are, might laugh at this. But they might be laughing because they don't really get it. And they might, for the 100th time, tell us that we just might be a little bit too into Harry Potter. But that's okay. We don't care what they have to say and nothing is going to stop us from being super fans of the series.

12 There's Something About Harry

It doesn't matter if you are male or female, if you are a fan of Harry Potter himself, then you are most likely in love with him.

Okay, okay, so maybe it's not really an official rule or anything. But it's definitely a thing. When you read the first book, you probably thought that this Harry character seemed like a great guy, and once you got older and saw the movies, it was super clear: you were in love with Harry Potter (aka Daniel Radcliffe). We all felt that way, didn't we? There's no point in denying our feelings. There's just something about Harry. He's boyfriend material and would be the perfect guy to date. Well, he does have a ton of family baggage, but he's so sweet and charming that he makes up for it. Oh yeah, and he's magical, too. Can't forget that.

11 Friend Zone No More

This is such a great meme since Ron was the ultimate guy friend. We've probably all been in a situation where we had a major crush on our friend but just couldn't make it out of the friend-zone. Even if we were pretty sure that they liked us back, it was just impossible to switch from friendship to romance.

Ron managed to leave the friend-zone and for that, we salute him and are super impressed. Yes, we can be impressed even if he's a fictional character. Because to to true Harry Potter fans, they're super real and aren't fictional at all. What can we say? We just love the series so much and are that attached to the characters. We all want to believe that this magical world is actually real.

10 Adorable Authors

When characters have passed away in the Harry Potter universe, it's been truly tough for fans to deal with. It's not something that anyone wants to think about and we definitely want to pretend that our favorite characters are still with us. Otherwise, it's just too much to bare.

George R.R. Martin has definitely killed a lot of his fictional darlings, as the saying goes, and it's pretty funny to see that compared to Game Of Thrones, basically no one has passed away in Harry PotterWe should be super grateful to this meme for putting things into perspective for us. Even if we miss those characters, it could have been a lot worse. After all, we didn't have to deal with anything happening to our favorite people and the core gang. Thankfully, right?

9 Ginger

How amazing is it that even Gordon Ramsay could be a Harry Potter fan!? I mean, gordon says so many outlandish things and comparisons, so who knows if this is a line he actually said, but I can dream, right?

Okay, so maybe he's not a fan at all and just referenced Ron. That's totally possible. Even people who aren't fans know that Ron is the redhead in the friend group. It's just that we want so badly to believe that this famous celebrity chef is a true fan like we are. That would just add to the reasons why we love Gordon so much. Sometimes we just have to have hope and believe in something, and we're going to choose to believe that he's a fan. After all, the whole point of the story is believing in magic, so we're just doing what we've been told.

8 Family Dinner

I would normally say that telling your kids (even your future kids) that they can't eat dinner unless they're a fan of something is borderline abuse. It's pretty harsh. But, well, who can argue with this statement?!

All of our future children absolutely have to be Harry Potter fans. There really is no getting around this. I just wouldn't be able to deal with movie nights if my kids told me they didn't like Harry, Hermione, or Ron. Even if they just couldn't get into the series. It would be a truly sad, heartbreaking, tragic moment. So we're just going to pretend that our future kids will definitely be fans. Better yet, we're going to do everything within our power to make sure that they're fans. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

7 No Nose

This is so funny and so incredibly relatable, isn't it? Who hasn't wondered why the evilest creature in Harry Potter doesn't have a nose?

Yeah, of course it's super scary that he doesn't have a nose, and he has such a horrible face that it creates a super evil feeling and atmosphere. I can't ever imagine the Harry Potter universe without him looking the way that he does. So I'm not saying that I wish he had a nose. Not at all. I'm just saying that most of us have wondered what Harry is asking in this meme. And I think it's hilarious that the response is that he's being super rude and can't ask that. This meme is comedic gold. And, yes, I still can't say his name. Of course not.

6 So Sad

The true fans among us can absolutely relate to finding out that we aren't ever going to go to Hogwarts. Yes, I totally get that it's just a story and that Hogwarts isn't real.

Okay, okay, whoa, I didn't mean to say that. It's not just a story. And Hogwarts is definitely real. OKAY!?

Fans hate being told that it's just a story and that the universe isn't real so we're not going to do that to ourselves. We want to believe that it's real and so that's what we're going to do. We get enough flak from the people in our lives who just don't understand how we can be such serious, loyal fans after all this time. We don't get how they can't be fans, so really, we're all even.

5 The Best Game Ever

Quidditch is the greatest game that we've never played before, so maybe it's kind of strange that we're so attached to it and love it so much. But, wait, it's not weird at all, because this is the game that everyone plays in Harry Potter and, therefore, it's one of our favorite things as well. That's how it goes.

This is such a great meme since watching the gang play this game is one of the most thrilling moments in the movies. Who can forget the moment when they first saw this happen? It was absolutely epic; a magical moment we'll always remember. And I definitely wish that I could play it with my own friends. That would be the best. And I know I'm not the only one. There are a bunch of clubs that started their own version of Quidditch, so the impossible is now possible.

4 Magicical Teachers

Who hasn't thought this while reading the books and watching the movies? I definitely think that Hogwarts would have better, more careful teachers, but then again, maybe the story wouldn't be quite as dramatic.

And if the story wasn't as dramatic and tension-filled as it is, then it wouldn't be as much fun, and that's not something that we would wish for. The reason why we all love Harry Potter so much is that it has so much happening at all times. There's drama, good and evil, love, friendship and family relationship — there's always some greater theme to wonder deeper about. It's a gift of a story and something that we hold close to our hearts. Some people might see this is corny or geeky, but us Harry Potter don't have time for the haters.

3 An Epic Crossover

It's impossible not to love this mash-up meme of The Hunger GamesMean Girls, and Harry Potter.

This meme means so much to true fans because we all know one thing: that being a student at Hogwarts is basically the most important thing ever. That's why we all wish that we could go to Hogwarts. And that's why we wish we could be sorted into houses (and we know exactly which house we belong in). We dream of going to Hogwarts and learning magic while hanging out with Harry and his friends. For true fans, it's pretty painful to realize that's not something that is ever going to happen. Reality sucks and reality isn't something that fans want to think about. Not when there's so much magic to admire and think about instead.

2 Happy Birthday To All The Muggles

There are wizards... and then there are muggles. Sadly, as much as we wished that we had magical powers and lived in the wonderful world of Harry Potter, we have to admit a sad, harsh, difficult truth: we are muggles.

And even if we hate being muggles, it's the way that it is, and we have to accept it. That's a lot easier to do when we have funny and fun memes like this one wishing happy birthday to a muggle. We should all use this meme when our friend or significant other (or anyone, really) has their next birthday. It doesn't matter if they're not Harry Potter fans. But then again, if they're not fans of this epic and magical series, we shouldn't be hanging out with them anyway.

1 I Will Survive

If there was any story that fit the song lyrics of the popular song "I Will Survive," it would definitely be Harry Potter. How perfect is this meme?! Whoever created it is a smart cookie.

Harry and his friends survive so many things throughout the course of the series; it's almost hard to deal with. But we wouldn't change anything that happened because it's all absolutely flawless, and it all makes up the story that we love so much. This is an amazing meme since it's got it all: heart, humor, and charm. It's hard not to crack a smile when we see this and think about all of the things that Harry and his buddies have gone through. It's enough to make us want to read the series all over again and, of course, marathon the movies. But we were probably going to do that this weekend anyway, right?