There are two types of people in this world: cat people and non-cat people. Most think this means people who like cats and people who don't, but we know it can go several steps further. Some people absolutely LOVE cats while others simple tolerate them. How do you know which section you fit into?

These 15 signs will help you distinguish yourself as one of the two, whether you have a cat in your home or not! You need to know these things in case anyone ever asks, right? These signs won’t lie, so pay close attention to each of these 15 signs and you will be able to easily tell where you fall on the cat person spectrum.

15 You let sleeping cats lie


If you have a cat in your lap and you need to get up, do you? If the answer is "no way!" then you are definitely a cat person. You enjoy having the cat in your lap more than answering the call your bladder has cast. Nothing is more important! After all, an average cat only gets 18 hours of sleep a day. The poor little feline needs every minute he can grab, despite your discomfort. You can always go to the bathroom later, right? And so you suffer in silence. For hours. And hours. Maybe the next time your cat eyes your lap, you will think ahead and pack some snacks and empty your bladder in advance.

14 You enjoy boxes more


When you get a delivery, do you enjoy what's inside the box? Or, do you enjoy the box itself because you know your cat will have more fun in it than should be allowed in anything cardboard? If you are more excited about the box for the sake of the cat, you are definitely a cat person. You might empty the box with reckless, excited abandon just so you can get it to the cat sooner. Who cares if the package is breakable or perishable in some way? It must go! And fast! The cat is waiting! Even if you have to repeatedly call the cat to come inspect the box, you know he’ll love it when he is introduced and you just can’t wait to make that introduction!

13 You enjoy cat pictures


Take an inventory of your phone. Does it house a lot of cat pictures? Is your Facebook page filled with cat videos and cat-themed memes? If you enjoy looking at other people's cats, you're likely a cat person yourself. You might even have repeated messages on your phone telling you that your storage is almost full. You know deep down it’s because of the endless cat pictures and videos. And yet, you can’t bring yourself to part with them. Sure, you could store them on your computer, but you wouldn’t have access to them all day, everyday, no matter where you went and that would just be tragic. What if you run into a dog person and need to try to convert them to the other side? Without your cat photos, you are nothing!

12 The sound of purring soothes you


Cat people love the sound of a gentle purr. It is soothing and makes them smile. If you're not a cat person, the sound might irritate you after a minute or two. If you are a cat person, you might even need the sound in order to lull yourself to sleep. Some people use ocean wave sounds, other people need a cat’s purr. And it's not just the sound of the purr, it's also the actual feel of the vibration of a cat on your stomach or under your arm. Every cat purrs at a different level and if you want to know your cat is there, you need to feel it and hear it!

11 You don't like to be alone


Cat people don't mind having a cat with them at all times, regardless of whether they're in the bathroom, trying to read, watching TV, and anything else in between. If you don't like to be alone, you'd make a great cat person.

If you’re really into your cat and not into being alone, you might even have a cat carrier that allows you to take your cat on walks about the neighborhood. Your cat might enjoy car rides because of how frequently you take her along to the store with you. And she might even have her own collar and leash, stroller, or other outing-friendly items. If she’s going to follow you around the house, why not other locations as well?

10 You talk to cats


Think about the last time you saw a cat. Did you talk to her? Did she respond? Was it a full conversation fit for another human being? Yep, you're definitely a cat person. If you have a cat and you come home from work and tell her all about your day, you might sometimes feel like it’s a one-sided conversation, and you’re okay with that. Because sometimes, when your cat is in fine form, and she meows back at you, it’s like having a real live conversation with someone who understands you on a deeper level. And loves you unconditionally. She empathizes with your situation at work and lets you pet her to soothe yourself for as long as you need the calming mechanism.

9 You don't mind hairy clothes


If you're not a cat person, you will automatically get the lint brush out after a cat passes by and gets hair on your clothes. On the other hand, if you wear the hair like a badge of honor, you're a cat person all the way. When you buy a new piece of clothing, it might not look quite right until it has cat hair on it. People come to your house and avoid sitting down because they don’t want their clothes to look like yours, but you wear your cat-hair filled clothing with pride. It shows that you have a cat and you love that cat, so why not! It’s only a problem when you run into someone who is severely allergic and they have an attack because of you...

8 You have found yourself admitting jealousy... of cats


Admit it: have you ever thought or said, "gee, cats have it good!" They get to lie around all day, sleep as much as they want, and lay in the sun. I wish I were a cat! Cat admiration automatically puts you on the cat person list. Almost anyone can admit that cats generally have it pretty good. They are well-cared for. They get their food placed before them, their water freshened, and their litter scooped. They get to stay home all day and enjoy the sun streaming in through the windows. And they get to lounge the day away while the rest of the world goes off to work. But when you actually feel jealousy because of those facts, you have officially become a cat person.

7 You find cats entertaining


Who cares about TV? Forget the latest magazine! You'd rather watch a cat scamper and play around all day. Now THAT'S entertainment! That’s why you have so many photos and videos of your cat and other people’s cats on your phone, after all. There’s nothing you would rather do than watch a silly cat bat at a string or attack a laser beam. They are high entertainment and they can always make you smile, no matter how badly your day has gone. At least you know how to cheer yourself up when you need it. Cats never fail! Even if yours is just lying around, you can surely dig up an old photo or video that will entertain you until he wakes up and moves.

6 You understand cat grooming


You're a cat person if you get why people take cats to the groomers. They have just as much right to look good as anyone else! When their fur gets matted, there’s no way they can feel good about themselves. Cats try to bathe themselves and take care of their fur, but sometimes, they simply need a little help. Kitties like attention and they certainly get it at the groomers. And they also get it after because they turn heads everywhere they go. Okay, so not every cat enjoys strange cuts like this one, but if owners do, they are most certainly cat people. Non-cat people would never think to touch a cat’s fur in this manner. And the cat might actually appreciate that, you think?

5 You're not a people person


Those who get along well with other people can be cat people as well. But loners who identify with pets, especially cats, are cat people to the hilt. Not everyone feels comfortable in a crowd or even in a one-on-one situation. But there’s something about a cat that makes those people comfortable. Cats can be aloof, something that anti-social people can relate to.

Not only that, but cats serve as the perfect distraction at a party where you don't know anyone. Instead of awkwardly sitting by yourself, you can occupy your time by befriending the host's cat.

4 You like to feel needed


Cats need you for everything. Food, water, attention, love... and you LIKE that. You want something to look at you as someone who makes the world go around. Cats may not like to admit that they need you, but you know the truth. And if you feel like you need them as well, you’re a cat person.

You like to be needed and the cat makes you feel like you are an important person. In their life, you are and that works well for your ego. Non-cat people don’t want the responsibility of daily care and affection. They prefer for furry critters to take care of themselves and leave them alone, in fact. But you thrive on the attention you give to your cat and that makes you a definite cat person.

3 You appreciate confidence


There's nothing more attractive to you than a person (or animal) who appreciates their self-worth, holds their head up high, and struts. If you find animals like that repelling, you are not on the cat side of the fence. Cats have a strong sense of self. They are almost regal in the way they sit and carry themselves. They think they are great. No, they KNOW they are great. That kind of confidence can draw you to a person, or an animal, in this case. If you prefer confidence in the humans and animals you surround yourself with, cats are a great choice for you. If confidence puts you off a bit, cats might not be your cup of tea. But they don’t care, they’re confident about that.

2 You have cat products


Do you own a lot of cat shirts, statues, and other cat-related items? If you can't get enough of cats in any form, you're a cat person. You might notice that all anyone gives you as a gift is cat-related. Statues, shirts, cups, you name it. No matter what the gift, it has a cat on it. You’re a cat person and you know it, and apparently everyone else knows it, too! The only thing you can do is kick back and enjoy your luck. You don’t have to buy cat items for yourself; other people will take care of it for you! If you have no cat-related items in your house and couldn’t dream of having any, you’re definitely not a cat person at all.

1 You don't see why you should do things you don't want


You easily identify with cats. A cat will come and sit in your lap when he darn well pleases, and not a moment before. If you have this attitude towards life, you and cats will get along well. Maybe your boss tells you that he needs a report by a certain deadline and you don’t want to do it. You get what a cat feels like for many hours of the day and night! No one likes being ordered around and if a cat doesn’t want to do something, it’s hard to make him. When you identify and run life the same way, you’re a cat person for sure.

Whether you have a cat or not, you have to be either a cat person or a non-cat person. There are many different degrees in this distinction, including a crazy cat person, an everyday cat owner, and a simple cat sympathizer as well. But if you identify with one or many of these signs, you air on the side of cat person to one degree or another. If they all ring true, you are one of the illustrious crazy cat people or you are heading in that direction. And there's nothing wrong with that! Cats are fabulous creatures, after all. Just ask them! They will have no trouble telling you all about that, whether you like them or not.