Ice Cube is executing his life's mission, and there is nothing that will stand in his way. He's crafted a contract with Black America, and it will be seen through. Period.

The world needs to pay attention - Ice Cube is standing out among the rest as the new age leader in the fight for Black rights, unity and equality, and he's not leaving until his message is delivered and changes are made. For those of you who haven't noticed yet, you may want to take note of Ice Cube's words, his mission, and his lifelong dedication to the support of the Black community. You're watching history in the making.

Ice Cube Isn't Moving Until Change Happens

In his introductory words, Ice Cube sets the tone, making sure everyone is aware of the fact that he hasn't just jumped onto the scene at the time of George Floyd's death to take a timely stand. He's been advocating for systemic change since he first appeared on the scene in the 80s. Many people consider him to be the pioneer of political hip hop and he has continued his plight for Black rights throughout his career. This is nothing new, people are just finally taking note.

There's "no filter just straight up," he said. " A lot of ppl think I've been on on one for the past few months ever since George Floyd was killed,  I've been on one my whole career, so 'sh&t 'aint nothing new. I feel like I've been ahead of the curve, and been waiting for people to catch up." Catch up, they shall. His newly released contract with Black America depicts a man on a mission - a mission for change, and a mission for an end to racial injustice.

RELATED: Ice Cube Uses Gripping Imagery To Demonstrate That Racism And Oppression Are Not Over

Ice Cube's Call To Action

We've "got shit to do man, an election coming up", he says in his video post on Instagram. He says now is the time to "use our vote, this black vote as a fu*&in tool, some call it a weapon, to get what we want." What he 'wants' isn't really much to ask. He's demanding that Black people be treated fairly, like so many Black leaders before him have done.

Ice Cube has made it clear that he has nothing else on his agenda but this. "I don't give a F*&k about a movie or a record or any of that sh!t" he says. His sole focus is to "change the situation for Black people in America" and there's nothing that will stop him aside from achieving this great success. Ice Cube ends the video with a countdown and a call to action, reminding fans that there are just 92 days left to until they can vote, and 92 days left "to push this program." He cautions fans that this is a short window, and advises that he needs all hands on deck.

His words are surely as powerful as his movement will be. The waves of change are here.

NEXT: Ice Cube Boldly Pushes For Change To Enforce A Contract Police With Black America