Many people across the globe have undergone a COVID test. Most would agree it's not a fun experience, but it's for the greater good, though Cardi B's experience might be a bit different.

Cardi B just announced that she gets COVID tested up to 4 times a week, and as bizarre as that sounds, what she said next was even more shocking to fans. She revealed that she has to pay $250 each time she gets this done! This has to be against some sort of COVID rules....

Fans have never heard most of this information before, and never would have imagined it. There are good reasons as to why she has to get tested so frequently, and nobody wants to test positive for COVID, but the fact that there is a cost associated with this has Cardi B feeling as though the pandemic has now turned into a money-making business. That just isn't sitting right with her at all.

Cardi's COVID Tests

Getting tested 4 times a week when someone is not in the medical field seems excessive by anyone's standards, yet Cardi B has revealed that it's exactly what is happening in her world. The idea that she would be charged $250 each time this is done is what is even more troubling. As far as most of us have heard, COVID testing is free of charge, and is a part of pandemic health protocols. The fact that there is a price tag associated with this is surprising news.

It's disheartening to think that people are making money off a global pandemic, and to hear Cardi B frame it this way is truly unsettling, and most fans believe that making profits off this virus doesn't seem right.

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This Is Why There's A Price Tag

Fans pressed Cardi B for more information on why this has become a money-making test, and why she even agreed to pay for it in the first place. She clarified by letting everyone know they can rest assured that it remains free as part of routine testing. The price tag is attached to the at-home services that she has opted for.

That makes a bit more sense, although the math on this still seems pretty high.

A Note On The Frequency Of Testing

This topic generated a lot of questions for Cardi B, and for a while there, she went back and forth with fans, giving them all the information they needed to know. She went on to explain the legal implications surrounding working during the pandemic...

It seems everyone who brushes against this pandemic in any way has a different tale to share.

NEXT: Kylie Jenner Fans Urge Her To Reach Out To Jordyn After Her BF Contracts COVID