Hollywood is a diverse spiritual playing field of several different religions. Many celebrities are vocally Christian or Jewish, and representations of primarily non-western faiths like Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism are on the rise. There are also a large number of faiths that operate sort of as trends, like the celebrities who follow alleged psychic Carissa Schumacher, or those who belong to the controversial Church Of Scientology.

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But people might be surprised to learn that Buddhism is actually one of the most prominent religions in Hollywood. Buddhism is one of the most popular religions to come out of India and East Asia, but there are several practitioners who were born in Western countries, and many of them are Hollywood celebrities. Perhaps it is because of the sense of modesty that is inherent to the Buddhist faith, but not many people know that some of the most successful stars in the world follow the Buddha’s teachings.

10 Drew Carey Is A Practicing Buddhist

The host of The Price Is Right has been a practicing Buddhist for years now. The comedian was told by fellow CBS host Stephen Colbert in an interview on The Late Show that he finds it funny that he is the host of the show that revolves around material possessions. Buddhists are anti-materialistic and believe that attachment and desire for material objects are the roots of all suffering. Hopefully, Carey is finding solace in his faith, as he became the subject of a recent tragedy when his ex-fiancé was found murdered.

9 George Lucas Was Raised Methodist But Became Buddhist

Fans have often noticed Eastern elements in the Star Wars creator’s work, for example many film historians compare his portrayal of the Jedi to that of Japan’s samurais. So it is not that surprising that the producer, director, and creator of LucasFilms Inc, is also a Buddhist. Lucas was originally raised as a Methodist in Modesto, California.

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8 Goldie Hawn Has Called Herself A "Jewish Buddhist"

The famous comic actress, who recently returned to the silver screen when she acted opposite Amy Schumer in Snatched, is also quite openly spiritual, as are many of the people who became big in the 1960s as she did. The Laugh In star self-identifies, somewhat jokingly, as a “Jewish Buddhist.”

7 Jeff Bridges Has Been A Zen Buddhist For Most Of His Career

Perhaps it is because he comes from a faith that practices mediation that he was able to play his part as the ultra mellow “The Dude” in The Big Lebowski, or maybe he is just that good of an actor. Either way, the star of True Grit and Tron is a practicing Zen Buddhist and has been one for most of his career.

6 Jet Li Played Buddhist Characters In Several Films

Although he has since retired from mainstream Hollywood, Jet Li remains one of the few celebrities who has portrayed Buddhists in film, particularly Shaolin Buddhists who are famous for their martial arts. The kung fu star is a practicing Buddhist who depended on his religion to overcome adversity and to handle the anxieties of day to day life. He believes that religious practices like meditation center an individual, which is important for Li as a martial artist. Martial arts require intense amounts of discipline and focus, two things that Buddhism strives to teach its practitioners by emphasizing the importance of detachment and meditation.

5 David Bowie Sought The Advice Of Buddhist Monks

The late rock star was quite a fan of the anti-materialist faith, and he valued the wisdom of the strictest Buddhist practitioners. He often sought the advice of Buddhist monks when his life was challenging, and apparently he once contemplated becoming a monk in Tibet, but if he had fans probably would have been incredibly disappointed.

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4 Richard Gere Is One Of The Most Vocal Advocates For Buddhism In Hollywood

Although his career has slowed down in recent years, there was a time when Richard Gere was one of the most sought after leading men for romantic comedies. But he has always been a prominent Buddhist practitioner and is arguably the most vocal Hollywood advocate for Buddhism. Gere’s dedication to the faith is so famous, it was used as a plot device for his guest appearance on The Simpsons.

3 Adam Youche Is An Advocate For Free Tibet

The founding member of the Beastie Boys began studying Tibetan Buddhism around 1992 and became a practitioner in 1996. He speaks openly and frequently about Buddhism and is an advocate for a Free Tibet, which has been under Chinese control since the 1970s.

2 Orlando Bloom Has Been A Buddhist Since He Was A Teenager

Surprisingly, The Pirates of The Caribbean star has been a practicing Buddhist since he was only 16 years old and he is very public about his faith. He both meditates and practices Buddhist chants daily.

1 Tiger Woods' Mother Is From Thailand, A Prominent Buddhist Country

It’s important to center yourself for a sport like golf, any athlete whose sport requires patience and aim can benefit from meditation and discipline. This is not only the reason Tiger Woods came to be Buddhist though. Woods was also raised in the faith by his mother, who is originally from Thailand, one of the most prominent Buddhist countries second only to Myanmar or China.

Next: 15 Celebs Who Joined Creepy Cults Or Strange Religions