In the tiny Pacific atoll of Niue, the first-ever duck has mysteriously arrived and delighted locals. The island has a population of 1,600 people, and now a population of one duck. Excited about their new immigrant, the residents of Niue have decided to collectively take care of the adorable bird.

With an island so small, it can be difficult for residents of Niue to find new and exciting things to look forward to. The arrival of this mysterious (yet cute) duck has not only given locals a new fulfilling activity but also has brought them together for a good cause. The new immigrant has highlighted the importance of community and social interactions.

Via: the Guardian

The duck was christened with the name Trevor—cleverly named after the Speaker of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, Trevor Mallard. Since Trevor arrived on a duck-less island, there is a lack of resources for the species. The locals, however, are determined to keep Trevor happy and healthy on the atoll. They constantly ensure that his makeshift puddle doesn’t run dry, especially during drier seasons; the local fire service has even been assigned to guarantee that his water levels are good. Everyone brings him nutritious meals of peas, corn, oats, rice, and the occasional bok choy. With everyone’s efforts, Trevor is living quite an amazing life for a stow-away duck.

There are concerns, however, that Trevor will get lonely. While he has charmed all of the locals, his only non-human company consists of other species of birds who attempt to steal his food. Despite these concerns, residents do not want to see Trevor relocated to a different island. They argue that he has made his home there, and it would stress the bird, even more, to move him elsewhere. However, if Trevor independently decides to leave the island, the locals are prepared to support his decision.

Via: Wikipedia

Trevor has captured the hearts of his neighbors and people abroad; there are people who visit the island just to see him in his pond. So far, he is being treated like the duck king that he deserves to be, especially after the long journey he probably made to get to the island. While concerns of loneliness worry the locals, Trevor seems to be content (as of the moment) with indulging the company of his human friends. Maybe in the future, residents may get him a duck companion to ease his loneliness, and Trevor can show him or her around his wonderful tiny island.