Say what you will about Steve Jobs, the man is a legend. Sure, he had a weird relationship with black turtlenecks and fruit, but at the core of his being was the mind of a genius. His ideas truly could not be compared, and they defined the way we live our lives. The creator of Apple is one of the biggest, most influential minds of our generation, and nothing would be the same had he not gone for his goals. While we sometimes write off influential people as wacky rather than genius (sorry, Kanye West), it’s a habit we should learn to break. Steve Jobs proved that the wilder your dreams, the more you have to fight for them. While he’s passed on now, like many celebrities he’s got a variety of children who are able to continue on his legacy. One of those kids is Erin Siena. Erin Siena is neither the youngest nor the oldest, landing third in the childbirth order. Her younger face is one we would recognize, but how about now? Believe it or not, Erin Siena has grown up. In the same way that it’s hard to recognize Kylie Jenner because of how much she’s grown up, Erin Siena also looks vastly different.

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She’s Private

One of the reasons that her new look is so surprising is because we don’t actually know much about her. We know that she and her dad, Steve Jobs, had a good relationship and that she’s kind of following in his footsteps. Erin Siena has turned into an architect and designer, building the future out in the world rather than online. She’s incredibly smart, as is to be expected. She certainly didn’t put those brains to waste, as she seems to have made quite a comfortable life for herself outside of the limelight. She doesn’t appear often, but when she does, watch out! Erin Siena will turn heads with her looks as well as her brains.

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She’s All Grown Up

Now 25, Erin Siena Jobs is one of four kids, and she and her sister Eve have grown up to look very different than they did as kids. Taller and bolder, Erin Siena has fully outgrown her plump-cheeked childhood looks. She’s very sure of herself now and has a confident security about her. This is very impressive from a kid who grew up in such a famous family. Normally the children of stars find it difficult to grow normally. Luckily Erin Siena has kept her gorgeous head very well attached to her shoulders.

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While she’s quite different from how she used to be, it’s to be expected. There’s no way to stay as youthful as a kid forever, especially when you go through a big life event. While Erin Siena grew up in a famous family with a dad that the whole world revered, she certainly didn’t turn out poorly. A hardworking woman with a good balance of work and play, Erin Siena has crafted herself a wonderful life. Not only that, but she’s looking good doing it! She truly has grown up.

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