When it comes to a rising profile, haters tend to come with the territory, and no public figure is completely safe from critics, whether they come in the form of online trolls or established journalists.

Businesswoman, social media star and YouTuber, Anna Bey is well aware of this - and one would be hard-pressed to find another internet personality who takes criticism as well (or as elegantly) as Anna does.

However, that's not to say that taking it on the chin has always come easily to the etiquette afficionado - or that the misconceptions about her aren't a source of frustration.

In an exclusive interview with TheThings, Anna opened up about dealing with haters, and where she believes much of the backlash she receives really stems from.

Touchy Topics: Anna Bey On Creating Content Commonly Seen As 'Controversial'

Anna is certainly not unaware of the taboo surrounding many of the topics she addresses in her YouTube and Instagram content.

In fact, asked why she believes she gets so much flak, she's quick to point out that many people are simply uncomfortable with the subject matter.

"Some of the subjects I talk about, like wealth, leveling up and moving up in class, so to speak, create a lot of sensitivity," she explains, adding that her advocacy for women only adds fuel to the fire.

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"Society is sensitive about these things," she acknowledges, and as a result, anyone willing to discuss them openly can easily ruffle feathers.

However, Anna also points out that the reactivity to the content is just part of what's contributed to people's perceptions of her.

Anna Opens Up About Fitting A Stereotype

While she may be talking about touchy topics, Anna is adamant that much of the backlash she receives isn't based on what she's saying, so much as who is saying it.

"Let's be honest: I am the one who is saying these things."

"For people who jump to conclusions, I fit the perfect stereotype, and in a way, I think they want me to be this superficial and materialistic woman, who may also be a 'gold digger', " she shrugs.

"But the thing is," she laughs, "that's not who I am, and people who follow me can clearly see that!"

Many Of The Misconceptions About Anna Come Down To Total Misunderstandings

It's no surprise, then, that more often than not, the censure leveled at Anna is informed by misinformation.

"The majority of the haters, and even the journalists who write nasty things about me, haven't researched me in-depth or really followed my content" - no doubt referring to the uncomfortable situations she's found herself in when reporters choose to interrogate her, rather than truly listen to her message.

"People start judging you immediately," she sighs, "without even listening to what you have to say."

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Anna Explains Her Understanding Stance

While Anna admits that she does have some concerns with being misrepresented on such a grand scale - after all, she points out, "we share the internet with all kinds of people" who might not always have the best of intentions - her response to criticism (particularly that coming from journalists) is decidedly understanding.

Speaking of some of her more awkward television interviews, she explains, "I don't even know if they wanted to be nasty to me, but that was their job, and they want to make good TV."

"It is kind of sad, because it twists the perspective sent out to the masses, but I ground myself in understanding certain situations."

Anna Shares Her Key To Growing A Thicker Skin

It's no secret that Anna is a staunch advocate for therapy, having taken to her self-titled podcast last year to share that she wished she had invested in it in her 20s.

"I'm very open about going to therapy, and that, of course, helps me put everything into perspective," she says.

That said, the YouTuber also notes that much of her grace comes from growing a thicker skin.

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"In the beginning, when you become a public figure, you do get affected, because you're not used to this type of exposure or treatment, and it feels unfair."

"But then," she smiles, "honestly, it doesn't take long until you grow an immunity to it."

It's for this reason that, asked what advice she would give fans hoping to follow in her footsteps, she laughs, "the sad part of this story is that there is not really any advice: you just have to go through it. You have to grow that immunity."

"But, you know what, after you go through the hardship of feeling attacked, misunderstood and judged," she beams, "really good things come out of it."

With over 1 million YouTube subscribers and nearly 500k Instagram followers, we'd say Anna is on to something, there!

Anna Bey fans can join her free workshop, 10 Brutal Mistakes That Show You're Not Elegant at 10elegancemistakes.com.

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