Mere seconds into her video recording, she referred to the Inauguration as 'Election Day,' leaving fans to ponder why she didn't just erase and re-record the video. She really should have.

Farrah has been slammed for her political posts before, but this one was extra special. She seemed really revved up and excited to talk about the Inauguration, but fans wish she would have stayed more in her lane, as this is evidently not her area of expertise.

It's hard to say for sure if she even realized she made such a monumental error in her speech, partially due to the fact that her face was once again seemingly frozen and expressionless from all the Botox and fillers.

The Political Blunder

There are many mistakes made by celebrities that are easy to understand. We all make errors, and they're certainly not exempt from that experience. This particular instance is a bit tough to see past, considering Farrah was in full control of the video recording and could have simply edited or trashed this recording in favor of a new one.

Instead, millions of fans tuned in to see her confidently begin speaking as she said: "as we all know, tomorrow we have the presidential election..." and eyebrows were instantly raised. Maybe not hers... but definitely ours! The Presidential Election has come and gone, and it's tough to determine if she is really aware of what either that day or Inauguration day really represent.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of her troubled video speech. There's more....

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She Just Couldn't Get This Right

Sadly for Farrah, the train-wreck of a video message continued to unfold with additional errors that were too big to be overlooked. As the video continued, she seemed to have corrected herself briefly by using the right word, referring to the Inauguration properly. That moment came and went pretty quickly though.

This was soon followed by a horribly embarrassing misquote of the four freedoms. Rather than saying "Freedom From Fear," Farrah put her own spin on things, and uttered "Freedom Of Fear," instead. Let's also stop for a moment and pay attention to the fact that she has the "pledge of allegiance song" playing. That's new.

The misuse of words and apparent lack of knowledge didn't go unnoticed. Fan commentary included; "Election has passed, tomorrow is the inauguration lol," as well as; "No one's going to point out that it's not the pledge of allegiance?". Fans were relentless. Other comments included; "Freedom of fear?? Wtf?? 🤔😂.This has to be the result of some serious drugs 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤔," and "Lol I think the silicone has leaked into your brain cause election has been over for quite some time! 🤣🤣🤣. This was just so awkward to watch...🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

NEXT: Fans Are Furious About Farrah Abraham's Memorial Post For Derek Underwood