There are movies that stand the test of time and we remember them for the rest of our lives. Then, there's the Harry Potter series that went above and beyond to hold a place in our hearts forever. The fan base has a wide variety of fans based on the books and all of us can agree that on any given day, if one of the beloved movies is on television, we will stop everything and watch it. So once memes became a thing on the internet, fans jumped on the chance to keep the magic alive by creating thousands of memes about the Harry Potter films..

Just because the movies were brilliant doesn't mean that huge fans of the movies wouldn't appreciate a meme or two of their favorite characters being poked at. Speaking of, the memes below aren't to offend or set anyone in a bad mood; they are for everyone to point and laugh at and rejoice in everything Harry Potter.

20 They really don't

When we first saw Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone back in 2001, we were mesmerized by the magical world in front of us. We were too busy wishing we could attend Hogwarts to notice all of the made up junk Dumbledore added to the mix. He was mysterious but we weren't really sure where or how he got to his decisions; and we never really questioned them because, magic. But now that we are older and wiser, we are reminded that the point system he tried to instill in each dormitory had no rhyme or reason. He also seemed to lead Harry and his friends into danger and as jealous as we still were, we now question everything. We'll never know and always wonder the reasoning but we will continue to love the series all the same.

19 Feel the burn


If a large, hairy, beast of a man knocked down your door and announced to you that you are a wizard, what you would do or say? It would be hard to imagine but if it actually did happen, you may want to call the police. But in this case, let's just pretend that it's semi-normal as it was one of the most pivotal moments in the entire Harry Potter series. So if you really think about it, Harry is right in this situation and it's a bit mind-blowing.

Just the facial expressions alone are priceless and Harry probably said what we were all thinking in that moment. Now every time we see this part in the movie, we will forever remember this meme and giggle to're welcome.

18 If Ron only knew

When Ron and Harry met on the train heading to Hogwarts in the first movie, we just knew they would be best buds. We may have already been aware based on the books but that's besides the point. It was amazing seeing this happen before our very eyes and we couldn't name a better duo if we tried. But if Ron Weasley only knew his younger sister Ginny would later become a Potter, the friendship wouldn't have been so simple.

So when this meme appeared on the web, we quickly realized how significant it really is. We also can't help but find it extremely funny how things played out. In the muggle world, we wonder if the hashtag at their wedding would be: #WeasleygetsPottered.

17 YOLO, indeed

harry-potter harry-potter-meme-98

When we were kids, we were more interested in doing the opposite of what our parents told us to do, while hoping we didn't get caught. The situation is so prevalent that movies also use that tactic as well. Take the Harry Potter movies for example. Figuratively speaking, Dumbledore wasn't aware of how mischievous Harry, Hermione and Ron really were. But we as the viewers knew that what Dumbledore told them not to do was done and it was great.

So when these crazy kids were warned, they more than likely had some sort of mission or destiny to look death in the eye and go against their elders. Lucky for them, they had the basic wand-handling skills to get them through these journeys, because YOLO-ing only gets someone so far.

16 The real OG


One of the characters who never got enough credit in the Harry Potter movies was Hagrid. Hagrid was basically Harry's bodyguard and mentor while being super cool. If Hagrid wasn't one of your absolute favorite characters in the movies then something is very wrong with you. Hagrid had all the cool pets and animal friends and lived kind of off the beaten path of Hogwarts which made his little hut the prime place for Harry and his friends to run to. But never mind all that because for anyone who is a fan, they already know.

Now that hashtags and Instagram have blown up, why not make up a personal hashtag for Hagrid? If anyone would win the award for the most badass professor and wizard, it would definitely be him. Swagrid for president, yo.

15 Jokes on Dumbledore


In 2005, we got the chance to finally see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on screen. We even got to see Robert Pattinson and his acting chops before his starring role as Edward Cullen in Twilight. As we all know, Harry's name was put in the Goblet of Fire before he was even of age and ended up being one of the people picked to participate. Like in every other movie, he was targeted for misery and misfortune and he definitely got it in this movie.

But in this case, the meme above takes it to a different place. It's amazing when images and one-liners are so perfectly aligned that the whole situation ends up being laughable. The "your mom" joke will never get old and Dumbledore was the target this time.

14 Well, it's true


We aren't quite sure what the day-to-day activities are after Harry Potter wreacked havoc on Hogwart's but we probably can easily guess. Lord Voldemort wasn't commanding his minions to destroy a child's life, the Dementors were still chilling in Azkaban and there were no snakes slithering in the walls. In the aftermath, we can only assume that the place is pretty low-key now. The young wizards are actually getting a magical education rather than just trying to survive.

Now we can't necessarily blame Harry for all of this because he didn't ask for a deadly lightening bolt on his head, but those were the cards that were given to him. While the current students at Hogwarts are getting book smart, the students who were there with Harry got more of a experimental experience when it came to their education.

13 Unlucky soul


If any of us were fans before the movies came out, we can probably admit that it was unfair that we couldn't be a wizard. We craved to carry around a nifty wand and cast spells on certain people we didn't like because we are just petty like that. We can't blame ourselves because we were probably pretty young at that point, and no matter how much we wished, it never happened. Then when the first movie made its debut, the feelings were revisited all over again.

So basically, the meme above resonates with fans all over the world and while we understand there is no such thing as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, we can still dream and pout over it, right? Yes...definitely yes.

12 Proof that Dumbledore doesn't do background checks


A movie wouldn't be complete without a bit of drama and disaster. While the Harry Potter movies are in a category of their own, there is still room to point out the disasters and dramatics that were purposely planted. In this case, it's the Hogwarts professors Dumbledore decided to hire. We completely understand that we are shaming a fictional character but we feel the need to do so. He is supposed to be this brilliant professor who knows everything but ends up hiring an odd bunch of characters.

We mean, he hires Quirinus Quirrell who literally carries a weak Voldemort in his turban, Remus Lupin who means well but turns into a werewolf during a full moon, Dolores Umbridge who was just about as evil as Voldemort himself and Severus Snape, the moody professor with a mess of issues.

11 The savage Sorting Hat


When we look back at everything we saw and learned through the Harry Potter books and movies, we can admit that The Sorting Hat was a pretty important piece of the madness. While he was kind of a little sassy twerp, he made very important decisions for the young first-year students who studied at Hogwarts. In fact, the different Hogwarts Houses made a real impact on the students, their personalities and their friendships. The Sorting Hat just knew where people belonged and based on the meme above, it is kind of true about Hufflepuff characters.

While they were loyal and patient, who really wanted to see a main character with those qualities anyways? We wanted to see the clever Ravenclaws, the brave Gryffindors and the cunning Slytherins as main characters instead.

10 Suck on that, Umbridge!


Speaking of Dolores Umbridge, we can't help but include a meme just about her. When a character in a movie does their job right as a villain, the viewers grow to hate and seethe over that person. They are memorable because of how well the actor or actress portrays the character and in this case, Dolores Umbridge is one of them. She demands order, she is an old-fashioned punisher who won't stop until she gets her way and all along, she wears nothing but pink and is obsessed with cats.

So when the above meme was made, we couldn't help but burst out laughing at the irony of it. We wonder what would have happened if Harry or Ron would have actually said this and at the same time, we would be a little afraid for their well-being.

9 Liar, liar pants on fire


When Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban came out in 2004, it was arguably the darkest of the Harry Potter movies so far. This is when we were really introduced to the terrifying Dementors and who Sirius Black really was. At this time, Hermione Granger was given the Time Turner by Dumbledore to attend to all of her classes. We were glad that harmless Buckbeak could be saved but we were also glad Hermione gave Draco Malfoy what he had coming from the first movie: a punch to the face.

But the real question here is why Harry couldn't go back and save his beloved parents from He Who Must Not Be Named. We understand he was just a baby when his parents were killed but if there was a chance to do so, what the heck!?

8 Not the sharpest tools in the shed


While Harry and Ron were two of the main characters in the movies, they definitely had to owe most of their smart decisions to Hermione. Without her, they didn't necessarily make the best decisions and were consistently running into obstacles at every turn. But the several times Ron and Harry got into a fight, they weren't very smart about their comebacks with each other. Take the one above for example.

Not only were they in the same dormitory but they shared a room to sleep in as well. We were probably too shook to notice something like this at the time but they couldn't really "stay away" from each other. Why? Because they were literally under the same roof. But lucky for them, they had a million other rooms in the castle to choose from during the day to avoid each other.

7 Stupid questions get stupid answers


Everyone knows that Professor Snape had a vendetta against Harry Potter throughout the movies. It was pretty silly since Harry had nothing to do with Snape's obsession for Lily Potter, but we can get over that. What we can't get over are the million times Snape was lurking around the halls of Hogwarts. He seemed to always run into Hermione, Harry or Ron and always had the same question each time. He would always ask them what they were doing or where they were going as if they didn't have permission to walk the halls.

So there came a point when we got sick of him harassing these kids who were probably just going to the dining hall for a bite to eat. We understand these movies were focused on a younger audience but the response above would have been golden.

6 To each their own


We could always count of Fred and George Weasley to provide us with some comic relief in the often ominous scenes of the Harry Potter movies. They had endless jokes that somehow didn't get them in trouble and were always finishing or sharing each other's sentences. So when they had their paws on the Marauder's Map that Harry eventually came into possession of, they didn't question the one thing they probably should have.

In the third movie, we remember that Ron had a pet rat named Scabbers. But in reality, it was really Peter Pettigrew, the supposed friend of James and Lily Potter. So if the Weasley twins really had a good look at the map, they would have seen that Ron's "pet" was really another man...awkward.

5 Adventures with Hedwig


One of the most beloved animals since the beginning of Harry Potter was Hedwig. She was gifted to Harry and was a beautiful white owl. While she was basically there as Harry's mail deliverer and companion, she also involuntarily got herself into sticky situations with Harry as well. Take the scene above for example. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron and Harry (yet again) get themselves into a bind.

The Whomping Willow nearly kills them when they basically fly Ron's dad's car right into it. But if we take a closer look, it's Hedwig who can't understand why she keeps getting into situations like this. We are mostly scared for all of them but really, it's the animals we are often more worried about, let's be honest.

4 This isn't homework


We're sure spells and wand flicks would be difficult to master but when we were younger, we would have killed to perform straight-up magic as homework. We would have gladly skipped math and English class for Defense Against the Dark Arts classes no matter who the rotating teacher was. We get that Harry had a rough upbringing when it came to school and family but let's be honest, he had it made. We muggles are the ones who had long and boring classes and we would have gladly switched with any Hogwarts student.

So next time we see a scene in one of the Harry Potter movies like this, we will shake our head and whisper under our breath, "you don't even know, Harry."

3 Yeah, what Draco said


Draco Malfoy was a little sh*t throughout the entire Harry Potter series and really, we kind of feel bad for him now. But we have to agree with him when it comes to the meme above. He's a bit judgmental when it comes to who has magic in their blood and who doesn't, but he has a valid point. True fans will always take the chance to watch airings of the Harry Potter movies on television no matter what. Whenever we see anything Harry Potter-themed, we will get excited and squeal like a little school girl.

Like every other television show or movie that impacted our childhood, the Harry Potter series will remain in our top favorites. We basically grew up with the books and movies and for anyone who asks a question like the one above, you need to re-evaluate your life.

2 Honey Boo Boo goes in for the kill


When we see memes, sometimes the best of the best is when two completely different fandoms get put together for comic relief. While Honey Boo Boo isn't a character per se, she still gets put in this category for the moment. In fact, for anyone that has seen the show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, you can appreciate this meme even more.

It's a long-standing joke that Voldemort didn't quite have a nose to claim and we wonder how the heck that happened. Magic can basically help anyone out and maybe he had too many grudges to settle to even notice what he was missing. So leave it to fans and trolls to point this out and continuously make it the brunt of the joke, and leave it to the imagination just how angry Voldemort would be if he only knew.

1 At least Harry had that going for him


Finally, we have come to this meme. The meme that says it all and is entirely true, through and through. Harry had a lot of traumatic situations happen to him throughout his time at Hogwarts; and besides learning magic and being pretty good at Quidditch, his life sucked. Some wizards weren't born with the gift of catching a Snitch but Harry was definitely one of them. At the same time, Harry had a nose-less, evil man looking for him so the trade-off isn't that even.

His parents were also killed when he was a baby and his aunt, uncle and cousin were extremely rude to him. But above all, Harry Potter is a legend with a lot of baggage but still found time for Quidditch practice.