Of all the celebrities in Hollywood, Kevin Bacon might be one of the most wholesome. He and Kyra Sedgwick have been married since the '80s and are a beloved celebrity couple. They both have long resumes in the acting world, and their creative projects are pretty diverse.

Apart from the fact that he and Kyra were swindled out of some cash by Bernie Madoff back in the day, they've largely flown under the radar. Except, of course, when either half of the couple starred in hit films. And that has happened often over the years.

RELATED: Here's The One Thing That Horrifies Kevin Bacon About His Friday The 13th Acting Role

But there was one instance where Kevin could've caused a fuss at his workplace -- that is, on set. The only catch is that he'd be on both sides of the lawsuit.

In the film 'Wild Things,' circa 1998, Kevin Bacon had a bit of a risque role. There's one scene where he's getting out of the shower and doesn't have anything blocking a direct frontal view.

For fans who don't immediately recall the film, EW calls it a "twisty erotic thriller," but not in a bad way. The star-studded film also involved a "better-than-it-has-any-reason-to-be cast," as EW delightfully explained, including Matt Dillon, Denise Richards, Neve Campbell, and Bill Murray.

The issues with the film's "fun, giddy trash" stemmed all the way to Kevin's contract, though. While Kevin Bacon's contract stipulated no nudity, he actually 'messed up' in one scene and wound up having that shower scene.

Kevin Bacon in 'Footloose'
via Page Six

Per IMDb, it was really just a mistake. Given the nature of the film itself, that seems unlikely, but let's take their word at face value. Multiple scenes were shot where Kevin steps out of the shower, Matt throws him a towel, and everyone's covered up, notes IMDb. But then, in one scene, Kevin misses the towel but doesn't think much of it.

And guess which take wound up in the film? Kevin said later that he didn't think it was that big of a deal, but that leaves fans to wonder why he had a no-nudity clause in his contract in the first place. Especially in a movie like this one; critics echoed the same sentiment as EW's journalist regarding the film's reputation as giddy trash.

But since Kevin was both an actor and producer on the project, he could've sued himself for breach of contract. Only, he'd be on both sides in court. The hilarity of it wasn't lost on him, but at the same time, there were far bigger things earning attention in that movie for anyone to care about a few seconds of shower scenes from Bacon.

NEXT: Who Are Kevin Bacon's Children, And What Do They Do?