If you or someone who you care about suffers from chronic, painful migraine headaches with sensitivity to light and sound, Now This News has recently reported some good news. This could change a migraine-sufferer's life for the better... but unfortunately, lighten their wallet in the process. But if you have ever been at the painful mercy of a migraine headache, there isn't any price that you wouldn't want to pay in the moment to get rid of the agony.

Taking medicine after a migraine comes on can be helpful as well as lying down in a dark, soundless room with a cold compress. But that only lessens the migraine pain. A new drug called "Aimovig" has arrived on the market to help stop migraine headaches before they even begin.


Aimovig, manufactured by Amgen, has just been FDA-approved and this is how it works. Migraine-sufferers would be injected with a shot of Aimovig once every month as a preventative measure. It is the first drug of its kind and some say that it will change the way in which people who suffer from chronic migraines live. The Aimovig injections block receptors that attach to neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters are called calcitonin gene-related peptide, or CGRP for short, and they are the culprits responsible for triggering migraines.


The only downside? As we mentioned before, it's pretty costly. A single injection of Aimovig costs $575 which means that getting preventative treatment for migraines for the whole year will run a migraine sufferer $6,900.


The price may amaze you (in a bad way) but the injection is pretty amazing itself (in a good way). It not only prevents migraines from occurring but it also blocks out the symptoms related to migraines such as nausea, pain, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

We can all hope against hope that as time goes on, the price will drop considerably and become more affordable for the masses. The everyday Joe and Jane would have a hard time working $6,900 into the annual migraine budget but if you can swing the price, good for you!

To your health, readers!