Perez Hilton is keeping his readers in the loop about the latest news on Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's legal quarrels. In recent news, Hears allegedly kept $7 million that she claimed went to charity.

He went into the minute details, with receipts, on his pop culture website. If this allegation is true, it's unbelievably horrendous.

Money For The Children's Hospital

According to Hilton's article, Depp's legal team is working to ensure that the missing $7 million meant for the Children's Hospital Los Angeles Foundation and ACLU is donated. He pointed out, however, that rights over the documents that would prove any suggested dishonesty will be difficult to get a hold of.

Hilton wrote, "The ACLU has refused to cooperate with any subpoenas — and considering how much collective legal experience that group has, it may remain impenetrable. But the Children’s Hospital? Well, it appears they’ve been trying to figure out where that money is all this time, too!:"

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Daily Mail was also cited in the piece for claims that the Children's Hospital has only received $100,000 out of its promised half of $7 million.

the commentator continued, "That $100k check was signed by Johnny Depp — who offered at the time to send the entire sum directly to the charities in Amber’s name — an offer she and her legal team rejected."

A Vague Response From Amber Heard

With receipts in mind, Heard's legal team acknowledged that it is in fact true that the money has not been fully donated. Hilton included that Heard's attorney Elaine Charlson Bredehoft ensured the donations will be made in full and blamed Depp in the process.

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The public is more furious with Heard than they were before this news came to light. If this missing cash had slipped through the cracks, it's likely that the donation would have never been carried out.

One of Hilton's readers commented under his Instagram post, "I mean they are both off the rails but we were blinded by her allegations. But after her tape...she admitted to saying no one would believe him. That’s awful. Trash, just trash."

Another said, "She don’t have her own money from her crappy acting jobs!?! Literally, you are leaching of an innocent caring human being! #justice for Johnny!!"

The effort to save face during court proceedings fell flat, and two charitable organizations were caught in the crossfire.

Next: Is Johnny Depp The Most Generous Gift-Giver?