Beloved by many around the world and not just in England, Princess Diana had enough charm and sass to win over anyone's heart. Anyone, that is, except her mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II. While the Queen and Princess Diana had their differences, it was no secret that they didn't see eye to eye on many things - including how a princess should act and be treated.

The royal matchup was approved by Queen Elizabeth II but that doesn't mean their lives together were always filled with blissful, perfect in-law memories. Up until Princess Diana's tragic death, it was believed that the Queen never knew how to connect with her daughter-in-law, nor did she understand or try to know her. But how much of that is really true? This is what went on behind the scenes at the royal palace doors.

13 Despite Their Troubled Relationship, Queen Elizabeth II Appreciated Princess Diana's Work

Even though their personal relationship was nothing to envy, it doesn't mean the Queen didn't applaud Princess Diana for the work that she had accomplished. Being part of the royal family gives one a certain amount of power for change, and this is one thing the Queen applauded her daughter-in-law for using.

12 The Queen Had High Expectations From The Get-Go

Contrary to the leniency that the current royal family has been granted, the relationship between Princess Diana and her mother-in-law was only worsened by the strict expectations placed on her shoulders. These imposed on who she was as a person and led to her reaching out in numerous ways, despite what the rules stated.

11 Princess Diana Felt "Isolated" And "Misunderstood", And The Queen Was Originally Sympathetic

Initially, Queen Elizabeth II was somewhat sympathetic to Princess Diana's feelings of isolation. It can't be easy giving up the life you once knew in order to take on a completely new role, especially with such strict boundaries - and the Queen tried to understand this.

10 The Rebellious Choices By The Princess Didn't Impress Queen Elizabeth II

Despite those efforts, Princess Diana's methods of rebellion, while not intentionally hurtful, were something that Queen couldn't get past. As a princess, her daughter-in-law was meant to live up to certain expectations, many of which Princess Diana publically disagreed with.

9 After Writing Her Biography, Dirty Laundry Was Aired About Her Mother-In-Law

In fact, dirty laundry was aired about the entire royal family. When the biography was released into the world, the Queen said of it that she was "stunned" and simply couldn't figure out why her daughter-in-law would "dirty linen in such a way."

8 The Queen Was Highly Offended By What Was Written, Altering Hope For Their Relationship

It came out later on that Princess Diana felt truly desperate prior to the book's release, leading to her harsh feelings and things said toward the royal family. While it was something that couldn't be taken back, Princess Diana remained a wife to Prince Charles for more than a decade after the fact.

7 Princess Diana Reached Out To The Queen Regarding Her Troubled Marriage, Only To Be Met With An Unsympathetic Attitude

Near the end of their marriage, it was said that Princess Diana had reached out to her mother-in-law in an effort to gain insight or advice on what to do. It was no secret that her marriage was "loveless", as the Princess called it, and the Queen was reportedly unsympathetic to her cause.

6 That Doesn't Mean Queen Elizabeth II Wasn't Frustrated With Her Son's Infidelity

Regardless of what her personal response was toward her daughter-in-law, the Queen did not respect her son for his actions toward his wife. She and her husband went as far as staging somewhat of an intervention in an effort to get to the heart of the matter, but to no avail.

5 Even With These Efforts, Princess Diana Continued Speaking With Press, Thus Pushing The Royal Family Further Away

Although she knew her actions would reap consequences, Princess Diana continued speaking to the press about her life as part of the royal family. While it was her only avenue for help, her actions were not received kindly at the end of her in-laws, and this was made abundantly known.

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4 Queen Elizabeth II Gave Written Permission For Divorce, To Which Princess Diana Responded Heatedly

Although divorce was likely the best (and only option, at that point) thing for both Prince Charles and Princess Diana, the Princess thought it a bit much that they needed permission. In her mind, divorce was their business as well as their personal choice, and her mother-in-law should have had no say in the matter.

3 It Was Prince Charles, Not The Queen, Who Wanted Princess Diana Stripped Of Her Title

While the Queen was ready to allow Princess Diana to keep her honorary title despite her advising them both to consider divorce, it was Prince Charles who was against the idea. After their divorce, the Princess had her title retracted according to his wishes.

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2 The Queen Was Slammed For Her Speech After Princess Diana's Death

In today's world, it seems like nothing can be said without backlash, and this was also true of the Queen's response after Princess Diana's tragic death. It was said the Queen sorely lacked the ability to capture the tragedy for what it was, even though she delivered a heartfelt and honest speech.

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1 In The Face Of Criticism, It Was Revealed That She Truly Respected And Admired Her Daughter-In-Law

Six days after the tragedy, a letter was found from Queen Elizabeth II in which she talked about her late daughter-in-law. Revealed in the letter was the fact that the Queen truly did admire and respect Princess Diana for who she was, contrary to their troubled and oftentimes uneasy relationship.

Next: 20 Little Known Facts About Princess Diana That Only Came To Light Recently