Late in 2019, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was released into theaters as the ninth and final episodic entry in the Skywalker Saga. Fans of the franchise had been on board since the first film made its debut all the way back in the 70s, and it is regarded as one of the greatest franchises in cinematic history. The newest release was meant to bring an end to the decade’s long story, and when it finally dropped, people were divided, to say the least.

Critics were more than happy to bash the film, while many fans were vocal in their support. Star Wars has always been polarizing, and the two most recent episodic entries have driven a wedge between fans. Nevertheless, many people rushed to theaters to see this latest entry, and some even noticed the glaring holes in the plot.

Today, we are going to look at 20 plot holes from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. There are spoilers ahead, so read at your own peril.

20 Lando Managing To Recruit Every Pilot In The Galaxy


Okay, so this first plot hole ties directly into The Last Jedi, and it made no sense. Leia already tried rallying people from across the galaxy once, and no one responded. Magically, Lando is able to make this happen and bring everyone around just in time. Avengers: Endgame did it better.

19 Kylo Becoming One With The Force


Kylo Ren’s redemption in the film was a key factor in good winning and balance being restored, but seeing him become one with the Force made no sense. He spent most of his time being evil, and few Jedi even learned how to do this. He defected from Luke early on, so we cannot imagine that Luke taught him.

18 How Luke’s X-Wing Is Still Functional


Rey is in need of a ride after torching one, and in a moment of weakness, Luke’s ghost shows up to give her a few words of encouragement. He also resurrects his old X-Wing from the waters below so that Rey can use it. How in the world does that thing still work?

17 Rey Not Sensing Kylo On The Death Star


Okay, so at times, Rey is basically unstoppable, but there are times when we question what she can do. Given the connection between the two, most people would assume that a Force user like Rey would be able to sense Kylo Ren, but this was conveniently not the case on the Death Star remnants. It made no sense.

16 All Of The Force Healing

Rey Healing

People are aware that Force healing is a thing, but when in the world did this become so commonplace? People that had done so in the past had a wealth of training, but Rey and Kylo Ren can just do this whenever they please. This was something that irked lots of people.

15 How Palpatine Survived Return Of The Jedi

Palpatine's Back

This was something that made no sense and we were only given a vague explanation. Palpatine managed to just show up again, though there was no mention of this at any point in the first two films. The original trilogy ends with Luke and Vader taking him out, but apparently not.

14 Zorii Bliss And Babu Frik Surviving On Kijimi

Babu Frik

When we last saw these characters, their planet was getting roughed up, and most people just assumed the worst for them. Instead, they miraculously show up at the end of the movie along with everyone else that Lando managed to find. How in the world did they survive after Zorii gave Poe her only ticket off the planet?

13 Kylo Not Using The Knights Of Ren To Take Down Rey

Knights of Ren

Kylo Ren is not the brightest bulb, and him choosing to not utilize the Knights of Ren when taking on Rey was such a mess. They were basically useless throughout the entire film, and there was no point in having them there. The film would have been fine without them.

12 Rey Not Sensing That Chewie Was Still Alive


Well, this was the first clue that Rey was a Palpatine, and it also made fans believe that Chewie had just been taken out. Rey was unable to sense that Chewbacca was still alive, yet later on in the movie, she is able to do it with little problem at all.

11 Poe’s Lightspeed Skipping Is Nonsense

Poe Lightspeed

This was a huge point of contention for fans, and most people completely disagree with this being included in the movie. Lightspeed has always been a touchy thing for pilots, but apparently, Poe can skip and do this at will while being completely free of consequence. This also contradicts canon.

10 Palpatine’s Barrel O' Snokes

via denofgeek

The first two films in this franchise did a poor job in handling Snoke, and we knew literally nothing about him when he was taken out. So, the explanation ended up being that he was one of many clones that Palpatine had made. He also just happened to have a jar full of fresh ones? Not sure what to even make of this.

9 TIE Fighters Tracking The Falcon Through Lightspeed

TIE Fighter

Okay, this whole lightspeed thing has gotten so out of hand and muddled in the new trilogy. Lightspeed was always used as a way to escape and outrun people, but now, TIE fighters can keep up beat for beat. This caught many fans by surprise, and it seemed to be included for the sake of convenience.

8 Every Ship Having Death Star Tech Is Just Cheating

Palpatine Fleet

In the previous films, we had to watch as structures the size of moons were built to make big things happen. Now, from out of nowhere, this technology is just available for all ships. We get that things change, but this was such a joke, especially considering what happened in The Force Awakens.

7 The Sith Dagger Was Too Convenient

Sith Dagger

The dagger that Rey needed to find wound up being exactly where the group fell underground. We can buy that. However, this thing still being a perfect match to a ship that had wrecked so many decades earlier? Come on now. This was way too convenient, even for a kid's movie, and many people weren’t buying it.

6 Finn’s Use Of The Force


Why in the world was this not addressed a single time in the film? Mysteriously, Finn is able to use the Force. People suspected that this was being teased in The Force Awakens, but then The Last Jedi came out and derailed his entire arc. His use of the Force was simply way too big of a plot hole.

5 Kylo Ren Making It Off Of Kef Bir


Okay, so, after Rey and Kylo have their clash, she takes his ship and heads on out, leaving him in the middle of a stormy sea. It is implied that all other vehicles there are pretty busted up, and yet, he is somehow able to finesse his way off that planet to catch up with her.

4 Luke And Leia Knowing About Rey’s Parentage

Leia and Rey

Yeah, we aren’t buying this one. The inclusion of Palpatine in this movie was bad enough, but then having Rey be his descendant made it worse. Luke and Leia apparently knew the entire time what was going on. If so, then why was Luke surprised to see her mind go dark in The Last Jedi?

3 Leia’s Jedi Training

Leia Force

Are we just not going to acknowledge this at all? There is no mention of this in the first two films, and we only got to see her float through the vacuum of space as an indicator. Apparently, Leia was training to be a Jedi and even had her own lightsaber.

2 Rey Blocking Palpatine’s Force Lightning

Rey Lightning

Okay, so this particular plot hole was just annoying. The ability to block lightning was something that people had to train specifically to do, but somehow, Rey has it handled. Furthermore, this is how Palpatine was almost wiped out in Revenge of the Sith. We're to believe that this was his plan again?

1 Palpatine Can Basically Return Whenever


So, thanks to Palpatine just coming back to life and what not, is he actually gone? Are we truly supposed to believe that this was the end of the line for him? Bringing him back once just opened the door for him to come back in future films, which simply does not work with us.